Approach and Perform a Shakespeare Monologue

Current Status:
Not enrolled
Price: $
Coming soon
Enrollment Closed

Want to be on a first-name basis with the Bard? Call Me Billy is a comprehensive, practical, inclusive, and fun video series detailing how to approach and perform a Shakespeare monologue. We’ll be breaking it down into easy-to-remember steps with helpful exercises folks can do at home.

A series by Leanna Williams, NTS graduate

The topics that we’ll be covering include:

– Choosing Your Monologue
– Creating Context
– Tackling the Language
– Finding Rhythm
– Images and Dropping In
– Action Verbing
– Preparing Your Body
– Preparing Your Voice
– Recording Your Self-Tape

This series will culminate in an invitation to the audience to participate by filming their own monologue with the help of the tools they learned along the way. The project will evolve into a collection of work from all levels, experiences, and ages engaging in the epic storytelling of Shakespeare!

You must be enrolled to view and participate in workshop discussions.