Art Apart : 100 artworks online !

Art Apart is a project of the National Theatre School of Canada (NTS) that provides support to emerging theater artists, professional artists and the community during the coronavirus crisis (COVID-19). It is a way to participate in minimizing the impact of this crisis on the arts community, to provide much-needed support to artists through a rapid infusion of funds into the arts sector, and to continue knowledge sharing and artistic dialogue across Canada.

100 emerging artists received $750 grants to present a piece of art online. This sum comes from an existing fund dedicated to community initiatives. The Artistic Directors of NTS have also asked artists who have taught in the professional training programs of the School in the last few years to share 10 free online theatre classes and conferences. Nous tenons à remercier tous les candidats pour leur courage et désir de partager leurs oeuvres et pratiques artistiques avec un large public lors de cette période difficile.

Enjoy your viewing !

We thank Power Corporation of Canada and CBC for their valuable support of the Art Apart project.